
How To Set Up Predictive Text On Android

How-do-you-do, yous are watching VisiHow. We are going to testify you how to set predictive text on your Samsung Galaxy S5 smartphone. We will discuss iii different methods of accessing the predictive text settings, and then how to set up predictive text.

Setup predictive text on Samsung Galaxy S5.mp4-canvas0.jpg

  1. 1

    Turn your phone on by pressing the power button on the right side of the telephone


    Setup predictive text on Samsung Galaxy S5.mp4-canvas11 770495.jpg

  2. two

    Swipe across the screen to unlock the phone


    Y'all may accept other methods of unlocking your phone.

    Setup predictive text on Samsung Galaxy S5.mp4-canvas17 495565.jpg

  3. 3

    The first method of accessing the predictive text settings is to open Messages


    Setup predictive text on Samsung Galaxy S5.mp4-canvas28 74848.jpg

  4. 4

    Tap the Messages icon at the lesser of your screen


    Setup predictive text on Samsung Galaxy S5.mp4-canvas31 466008.jpg

  5. 5

    Tap the New Message icon in the meridian right corner of your screen


    Setup predictive text on Samsung Galaxy S5.mp4-canvas35 441728.jpg

  6. vi

    Swipe down from the tiptop of your screen to access notifications


    Setup predictive text on Samsung Galaxy S5.mp4-canvas46 464815.jpg

  7. 7

    Setup predictive text on Samsung Galaxy S5.mp4-canvas47 082314.jpg

  8. 8

    Select the Samsung keyboard option and tap Set up input methods


    This will take you to a list of keyboards.

    Setup predictive text on Samsung Galaxy S5.mp4-canvas51 645948.jpg

  9. 9

    Tap the gear icon next to Samsung keyboard to access keyboard settings


    Setup predictive text on Samsung Galaxy S5.mp4-canvas56 306416.jpg

  10. 10

    Tap Predictive text, located under SMART TYPING


    This will open up the predictive text settings.

    Setup predictive text on Samsung Galaxy S5.mp4-canvas60 459138.jpg

  11. 11

    The 2nd method of accessing the predictive text settings is through the notifications panel


    Setup predictive text on Samsung Galaxy S5.mp4-canvas79 593264.jpg

  12. 12

    Swipe downward from the top of your screen to access the notifications panel


    Setup predictive text on Samsung Galaxy S5.mp4-canvas81 559383.jpg

  13. 13

    Tap the gear icon in the top right corner of your screen to admission the settings menu


    Setup predictive text on Samsung Galaxy S5.mp4-canvas85 505073.jpg

  14. 14

    Scroll downward to SYSTEM settings and tap Linguistic communication and input


    Setup predictive text on Samsung Galaxy S5.mp4-canvas94 305084.jpg

  15. 15

    Tap the gear icon next to Samsung keyboard to access keyboard settings


    Setup predictive text on Samsung Galaxy S5.mp4-canvas103 069289.jpg

  16. 16

    Tap Predictive text, located under SMART TYPING


    This will open the predictive text settings.

    Setup predictive text on Samsung Galaxy S5.mp4-canvas107 197303.jpg

  17. 17

    The third method of accessing the predictive text settings is through the Apps bill of fare


    Setup predictive text on Samsung Galaxy S5.mp4-canvas115 871438.jpg

  18. 18

    Tap the Apps icon in the bottom right corner of your screen


    Setup predictive text on Samsung Galaxy S5.mp4-canvas119 91155.jpg

  19. 19

    Ringlet through the Apps bill of fare and tap the gear icon to open Settings


    Setup predictive text on Samsung Galaxy S5.mp4-canvas129 292026.jpg

  20. 20

    Roll down to SYSTEM settings and tap Language and input


    Setup predictive text on Samsung Galaxy S5.mp4-canvas143 493353.jpg

  21. 21

    Tap the gear icon next to Samsung keyboard to access keyboard settings


    Setup predictive text on Samsung Galaxy S5.mp4-canvas146 333501.jpg

  22. 22

    Tap Predictive text, located under SMART TYPING


    Setup predictive text on Samsung Galaxy S5.mp4-canvas151 277607.jpg

  23. 23

    Y'all are now in the Predictive text settings


    Setup predictive text on Samsung Galaxy S5.mp4-canvas154 90426.jpg

  24. 24

    Tap the switch symbol next to the Predictive text menu championship to turn on predictive text


    Predictive text is on when the switch symbol is green.

    Setup predictive text on Samsung Galaxy S5.mp4-canvas162 328053.jpg

  25. 25

    Personalize your predictive text by going through each option in this menu and deciding what you would like to turn on


    Using Live word update volition allow your telephone to update its predictive text vocabulary based on words, abbreviations, or phrases that are becoming popular in public social media. Using Personalized data will allow your phone to update its vocabulary based on language data you use personally on your device. The settings under PERSONALIZATION crave you to login to the various social media apps to allow your telephone to update its vocabulary based on linguistic communication data gathered from your writing style in each app you enable.

    Setup predictive text on Samsung Galaxy S5.mp4-canvas206 803044.jpg

  26. 26

    To clear server data or personal information from predictive text, coil downwards to the lesser of the personalization options and tap the applicative selection


    Setup predictive text on Samsung Galaxy S5.mp4-canvas254 683297.jpg

  27. 27

    Tap the card button on the bottom left corner of your telephone and swipe the settings app from left to correct to shut it


    You will be returned to the App menu.

    Setup predictive text on Samsung Galaxy S5.mp4-canvas298 511937.jpg

  28. 28

    Press the dwelling button at the bottom of your phone to render to your habitation screen


    Setup predictive text on Samsung Galaxy S5.mp4-canvas306 750545.jpg

  29. 29

    This concludes the tutorial on how to prepare predictive text on your Samsung Galaxy S5 smartphone


    Thanks for watching VisiHow. If you have whatever questions, please post them in the comments section below.

How To Set Up Predictive Text On Android,


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