
How To Set Static Ip On Linux Mint

HomeNetwork-main Most households have multiple computers, whether information technology's a combination of desktops, laptops, or a mix of both, plus wireless gadgets such as tablets and smart phones. One of the most central and useful tasks is being able to share folders, files, and printers across a home network. Allow'south take a look at one of the easiest ways to share/access files from multiple devices running Linux Mint. As a annotation, this should work with Ubuntu as well, just I find Linux Mint a bit easier to utilise and is the reference for this article.

There are a few different ways to set up a dwelling house Linux network, but the following method is how I setup my desktop and laptops all running Linux Mint.

1. Gather/Setup the Internal IP addresses on all the computers that y'all volition exist networking.

On the arrangement tray, right click on the Network Manager icon and select "Connectedness Information". Depending on your connection blazon, the network manager icon might display an icon with a pair of linked computer (for cable connection) or an icon with the wireless status (for wireless connection). This window volition bear witness you all of the network information you will need for the device, including its IP address.


Setup a static IP or reserve addresses

Since virtually PC'south and routers utilize DHCP by default to get internal IP addresses automatically, there is a chance that the IP accost for a device may alter if it is rebooted or if the lease is renewed. This tin cause the network share to disconnect. There are two ways to resolve this:

  • In your router settings, you tin can set up a reserved IP address for a specific physical address (MAC address)
  • You tin can create a static IP for the network interface.

I use static IP'south for my devices and will bear witness that procedure in this article. If you want to reserve IP addresses in the router, you will need to check your particular router's settings. Each router is different only should have a setting to reserve a specific IP address for a specific MAC address.

To ready a static IP in Linux Mint, right-click on the network director icon in the system tray and select "Edit Connections". Choose the "Wired" tab if the PC is connected via network cable or "Wireless" if connected by wireless. Highlight the right interface or wireless network and click "Edit".


In the "Edit" window, select the IPv4 tab. Click the drop-down and select "manual". Then edit the IP accost, NetMask, and Gateway information. Y'all need to make sure the IP accost for each device is unique. I normally only use the electric current IP that was given via DHCP and make sure it becomes the static IP. You can utilize any numbering scheme you like as long every bit they are unique. Afterward all the information is entered, click Employ and from that moment frontward that device will always have the IP accost that you manually typed in.


two. Install the SSH Server on each device.

SSH is secure and piece of cake to utilize. The SSH client software is installed past default, simply the server is not. If y'all want to be able to connect to a specific device, that device must have SSH Server installed. If you never want to connect to a specific device you tin skip this step. You'll exist able to connect from that device to another device in that case (client to server).

To install OpenSSH Server, open your concluding and type:

Type in your sudo password and the SSH server will install. That'south all there is to information technology!

three. Configure the Firewall settings on each Device

You volition need to gear up the Firewall settings on each device to allow traffic to come up in from the other devices. Go to the "Menu -> All Applications -> Firewall Configuration" or at a command line, type:

This volition bring upward the GUI frontend to the ufw firewall. Click "Add" and click the Advanced tab. In the "From" box, type in the IP accost of the device that will be connecting to this device, and in the "To" box, blazon in the address of this device (the device whose firewall settings you are now configuring). Click "Add" and you lot volition run across the rule in the primary window. In this example, IP is the computer that I am setting the firewall configuration on and the dominion is assuasive traffic from the device at


Add rules for any other devices that volition need to connect/share with this device to ensure the firewall will take traffic and file sharing.


4. Connect to Each Device/Desktop/Laptop.

After SSH is installed and all firewall settings are correctly configured, it's the moment of truth; at present we will create connections via SSH to the device that we want to share with.

Let's say that the device on is a laptop and we're connecting it to 192.168.ane.104 which is a desktop.

  1. On the laptop, open the Nautilus file manager.
  2. Click on "File -> Connect to Server".
  3. In the "service type" drib-downwards, select SSH.
  4. Type in the IP Address of the device y'all wish to connect to, in this instance: Then click Connect. If it finds to device correctly, you will run across a login window. Type in your username and countersign for the device you lot are connecting to and select "Remember forever".


v. Linux Mint will then mountain a folder directory to the reckoner at the IP address you named and a File Directory window volition open allowing y'all to browse the networked computer'south folders and files.

5. Create a Folder Shortcut.

Once you take access to the remote/networked computer, you can create a shortcut folder in the left sidebar of the File Managing director window. Simply drag a binder into the left sidebar (I normally drag the "Home" folder from the remote computer). You tin and then rename the binder to something meaningful, such as "Desktop_Home". Now anytime you lot click on this folder, it volition connect to the networked computer and yous can access its directory. Since you saved the password, you lot will not need to login again, unless the password is changed in the future.


6. Rinse and Echo

Now you tin can just repeat the procedure on the other devices and create the shortcut folder on each one. Whenever you desire to share across device, you tin can connect via the shared folder shortcut (providing the other device is on, of course!).

Though it involves a few steps, I found this is 1 of the easier ways to access folders and files amongst my desktops and laptops at home that are all running Linux Mint. What other ways do you apply to create a domicile network?

Epitome credit: Past Lars P.

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